1. Inglorious Revolution Inglorious Revolution. How the English Constitution was Subverted: And How to Reclaim Our Sovereignty Co-authored with Pavel Stroilov. This book explains the origin of the English Constitution and how Britain's membership of the EU is unlawful. (Published by Bretwalda Books Ltd, March 2013)


  1. The Road To Freedom The Road to Freedom: How Britain can leave the European Union. Co-authored with Pavel Stroilov. This book explains the constitutional, legal, political and practical means by which Britain can leave the European Union (Published by Bretwalda Books Ltd, August 2013)


  1. Henry VIII: Tudor Serial Killer. This book describes the background to 70-odd main victims of Henry VIII who met their deaths by means of judicial murder and the reasons they were killed. It also examines the possibility that Henry VIII had a psychopathic personality and the lasting effect he had on English society. (Published by Bretwalda Books Ltd, August 2013)


Books — 9 Comments

  1. Greetings from Howick, Auckland, New Zealand.

    Re: Brexit.

    May I put to you that everyone seems to be overlooking one simple word in the Article 50 Paragraph 3.
    That word is very important; it is the word “or”.

    This means that the two-year time-limit is an alternative or option, not a compulsion.

    I would be interested to hear your observation of this matter.

    Keep up your good work.

    Best regards

    G.S. Williams

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  4. I would love to buy paper copy of your books, but two out of the three cost hundreds to thousands of dollars/pounds on Amazon/Amazon UK. Is there any chance your books can be purchased at reasonable cost from either yourself or some associated website? If your books are out of print they should be reprinted and sold far and wide. I have been watching the perfidy of PM May and Parliament trying every trick possible to stay in the EU. Thank you for your love of freedom and the dignity of man and constitutional government.

  5. I tried to find your books online: they are either not available, or out of stock, or unaffordable – is there any way to buy them directly from you/UKIP ?
    thank you

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